Today, the NSW government has introduced a new pathway for NSW 491. The new 'Working in Regional NSW' eligibility stream recognises applicants’ commitment to living and working in regional NSW and demonstrates support for businesses seeking to retain skilled migrants for their operations
The applicant may apply directly for NSW 491 nomination if they currently living and working (at least 20h/week) in their nominated occupation (or closely related) in NSW regional area, and have continously done so for the past 12 months.
Note that the previoulsy minimum points and work experience do not apply for this pathway.
Regional NSW-based direct pathway
To apply under this pathway, you must:
Ensure you are eligible for this visa subclass
Be currently living and working in their nominated (or closely related) occupation in a designated regional area of NSW, and have continuously done so for the past twelve (12) months for a minimum of 20 hours per week
Have a valid skills assessment in an occupation within a unit group that appears on the NSW Regional Skills List and is eligible for the visa
Are paid at least the TSMIT level or $53,900 per annum (full time basis) excluding superannuation
Provide evidence for all points claims in your SkillSelect EOI, and where you currently reside, with your application.