WA has updated the requirement for State Nomination yesterday. Again, the State shows a very unique approach and it clearly will "steal" a big share of skilled workers from other States.

Western Australia - It's like no other. The State is the first to send invitations before the allocation of federal government. Before the financial year commenced, the State had made a clear intention to attract more skilled workers by enormously expanding the occupation of the Graduate Stream. Yesterday, without any announcement, WA has again increased a significant number of occupation eligible for the General Stream. Not only that, many other requirements have been waived or reduced greatly.
Following are key updates from WA nomination for this year:
60% increase in the number of occupations eligible for skilled migration in WA. There are many new occupations added to the General Stream.
Waive of the nomination fee
Remove the requirement to show sufficient fund to settle in WA.
Remove the English requirement of 7.0 IELTS all bands (or equivalent) for Manager and Professional occupation. That means applicants only need to meet the minimum requirement of 6.0 IELTS all bands (or equivalent).
Completely removal the requirement of having job offer / employment in nominated or closely related occupation for Graduate Stream (both 491 and 190).
Removal of the requirement of having job offer / employment in nominated or closed related occupation for General Stream schedule 2 (only 491, for 190 applicants still need job offer in WA)
For General Stream schedule 1, no job offer in WA required except applying for 190. Applicants still need to have at least 1 year of onshore/offshore experience in nominated occupation or closely related for both 491 and 190.